LED panel



  • Hot gun
  • Hot glue pistol
  • Soldering iron
  • Drill machine
  • Crown drill bit

3D model:



Result with self-made case:


Step 1: prepare place for metal

Step 2: cut the metal

Step 3: prepare leds

cut warm and cold white led strips to the length of the metal, in my case it was 24,5 cm.

Step 4:

Step 5: connect all warm white leds strip from one side and cold white led strip from another

Step 6: it's time to dimmers

Step 7: electronics

I used this kind of dimmers:

Step 8: adding tripod mount


Hello! I am Artiom and I'm the light man. 💡😅 Enjoy working with LEDs and create other tech projects. Lately I have started hiking and travelling, taking pictures and videos of nature from different angles.