

  • 1x NodeMCU
  • WS2812b LED-strip ~4m
  • 5V Power Supply (10A)
  • Paint
  • Primer
  • Plexiglass
  • 3d printer


Demo video:

October 2019 Update:


Step 1: create a 3d model and printing

Step 2: Preparing for painting.

Cut connectors, put them inside the box and cover with tape

Step 3: Primer/Painting

if your 3d model is red color, than it's better to use grey primer first to avoid too many layers of white painting)

Step 4: put LEDs strip inside

connect led strip

connect led strip to connectors
then I realised that with 5 pin connectors would be everything much easier and cleaner.
with 3/4 pin connector you need to be more careful when you connect one hexagon to another.

Step 5: checking if everything works

Step 6: making top part

It is easier to scoring and snapping plexiglass, but since i wanted to save some space and I used saw.

Step 7: setting all together

glue top to the main part / cut the fiber vinyl / apply it to the top

Step 8: Arduino & Blynk

Blynk QR code:
To upload code you will need to add NodeMCU library to Arduino software
Here is how to add it:
Firstly open the Arduino IDE
Go to files and click on the preference in the Arduino IDE
copy the below code in the Additional boards Manager
click OK to close the preference Tab.
After completing the above steps , go to Tools and board, and then select board Manager
Navigate to esp8266 by esp8266 community and install the software for Arduino.


Hello! I am Artiom and I'm the light man. 💡😅 Enjoy working with LEDs and create other tech projects. Lately I have started hiking and travelling, taking pictures and videos of nature from different angles.